DianneErskine-Hellrigel_bdDianne Ersk­ine-Hell­rigelExec­u­tive Direc­tor and President
Dianne has trav­eled a lot of pro­fes­sion­al roads from head­ing up a med­ical lab, teach­ing, act­ing and now work­ing to pre­serve open space, wilder­ness, wild and scenic rivers and Nation­al Recre­ation Areas. With the Com­mu­ni­ty Hik­ing Club, Dianne acts as both Pres­i­dent and Exec­u­tive Direc­tor. She enjoys the out­doors, work­ing with at-risk kids, and doing stew­ard­ship events in the for­est. Her long term goal is to leave the ecol­o­gy of her cor­ner of the plan­et in bet­ter shape than when she got here. She is cur­rent­ly work­ing on reviv­ing the Dag­ger Flat Trail from the 1930s.

tbd, Camp­ing Chair

Paul Huskey, Hike leader, and gen­er­al foot­path investigator

Paul joined the board in the sum­mer of 2022, his pas­sion is get­ting out of the office and into nature on the week­ends with an empha­sis on find­ing or redis­cov­er­ing trails and areas of inter­est. He is moved by geo­log­i­cal for­ma­tions, local his­to­ry and a twist­ed love of Gneiss rocks.


HeidiWebberHei­di Web­berTrea­sur­er
Hei­di s the Trea­sur­er of the Com­mu­ni­ty Hik­ing Club. She has always been nature and ani­mal ori­ent­ed, start­ing with work­ing in a pet shop as a teenag­er. Much more recent­ly she was also Trea­sur­er for Placeri­ta Canyon Nature Cen­ter and Sec­re­tary for the Sier­ra Pelona Rock Club. She also edits and pub­lish­es the newslet­ter “Pelon­a­gram” for the Sier­ra Pelona Rock Club. In addi­tion, she is the pub­lish­er of the nature center’s newslet­ter, “The Rat­tler”. She became a cer­ti­fied scu­ba div­er upon retire­ment, belongs to the Local astron­o­my club and has been mar­ried almost 47 years.

Chris Strat­ford, Sched­ul­ing

LiseMeyers_bdLise Mey­ersCom­mu­ni­ty Out­reach Coordinator
Lisé is our Com­mu­ni­ty Out­reach Coor­di­na­tor. Ms. Mey­ers tru­ly enjoys inter­act­ing with and serv­ing oth­ers. She is an avid hik­er and camper and is hap­pi­est when doing near­ly any­thing out­doors. She serves on this board because she believes in the many caus­es that Com­mu­ni­ty Hik­ing Club stands such as work­ing with at-risk kids, improv­ing the envi­ron­ment through stew­ard­ship, and land preser­va­tion. Pre­serv­ing and car­ing for our nat­ur­al areas is very impor­tant to her. Lisé brings a wealth of expe­ri­ence to this board, hav­ing served as past pres­i­dent of the board of direc­tors for Sym­pho­ny of the Canyons, Com­mu­ni­ty Musi­cian and sec­re­tary for the Chan­nel Islands Board of Direc­tors, Com­mu­ni­ty Musi­cian for the Cor­ner­stone Chrysalis Board of Direc­tors, and cur­rent­ly serves as the vol­un­teer chair for Heart of the West, the largest fundrais­ing event of each year for Carousel Ranch.

AlanPollackAlan Pol­lack, Club His­to­ri­an
Alan Pol­lack has worked as a physi­cian of inter­nal med­i­cine at Kaiser Per­ma­nente for the past 29 years. As Pres­i­dent of the San­ta Clari­ta Val­ley His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety, he brings exten­sive exper­tise on the local his­to­ry of the San­ta Clari­ta Val­ley. Alan comes to the Board as a his­tor­i­cal con­sul­tant who will be help­ing with leg­isla­tive projects such as Rim of the Val­ley and the St. Fran­cis Dam Nation­al Memo­r­i­al. He can also pro­vide his his­tor­i­cal insight on hikes to the St. Fran­cis Dam and oth­er his­tor­i­cal sites in the area.

Mary Bates, Field Trip Coordinator
Mary has been teach­ing since 2002 at Col­lege of the Canyons.  She has made pro­fes­sion­al Schol­ar­ly Pre­sen­ta­tions and con­duct­ed field trips for hun­dreds, at the col­lege and oth­er venues such as muse­ums, geo­log­ic soci­eties, and local geol­o­gy and hik­ing clubs.



Chris­tine Kudi­ja, Attor­ney