Deer Ticks

We’re expect­ing rain next week. And, while we wel­come rain, so do the ticks. They are buried right now, but with the first sign of rain, they emerge and climb up onto the chap­ar­ral along the trail just wait­ing for a deer (or you) to walk by. So, be on the look­out for ticks on your skin after a hike. Always do a tick check…If they are removed with­in 24 hours, you’re usu­al­ly safe.

NOTE: Make sure you check your pets if you take them in the field with you.

AID: You should remove ticks with (prefer­ably — a tick spoon). If you use tweez­ers, etc., the tick will vom­it while still attached, and if that tick has Lyme dis­ease (or any oth­er dis­eases that they car­ry) you can get it. It is impor­tant to remove the tick in one piece. Then dab some hydro­gen per­ox­ide or alco­hol on it and apply triple antibi­ot­ic ointment.

What Deer Ticks look like.










Embed­ded tick. 










This is what you might expect to
see if the tick has transmitted
Lyme Dis­ease to you.







What an engorged tick
looks like.